Access Health CT Announces New Look On Website With Enhancements To Plan Comparison And Shopping Tool
Connecticut residents encouraged to shop and compare plans when buying or renewing insurance
HARTFORD, Conn. (October 15, 2018)—Access Health CT (AHCT) today announced a new look and feel to its website, and enhancements to its health plan comparison and shopping tool. This new tool is available on the Access Health CT website,, and will help customers shop for plans during the 2019 annual open enrollment period that begins November 1 and ends December 15, 2018.
“Connecticut residents can visit our new website and click on the ‘Compare Plans’ link on the homepage to look at all their options for buying or renewing insurance plans for 2019,” said Access Health CT Chief Executive Officer, James Michel. “Beginning November 1, customers will also be able to buy new plans or change plans for 2019.”
In 2018, customers may have chosen a plan that was the lowest cost plan at a certain plan level at the time. That plan may no longer be the lowest cost plan at a certain plan level. Other life changes such as the members of a family, where people live and changes to income, might change the monthly cost of a plan. “Every year, healthcare coverage needs can change, for example the doctors you visit or the prescription drugs you take. That’s why the best way to make sure people find a 2019 plan that works for them is to shop and compare plans,” said Michel.
New customers and current customers have the opportunity to shop, compare plans and make changes during the open enrollment period starting November 1 and ending December 15, 2018.
“Even if you are automatically enrolled for a 2019 plan, you can still make changes during open enrollment,” said Access Health CT Director of Marketing, Andrea Ravitz. “When you receive a yellow envelope in the mail, this is your renewal notice that tells you the plan you will be enrolled in for 2019 if no action is taken, as well as your new monthly payment. Use our new compare tool to help you shop for a plan that best fits your needs.”