Policies & Legislation

Our Structure
The Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange was established as a quasi-public agency to satisfy requirements of the federal Affordable Care Act. The power of the Exchange is vested in a 14 member board.
In addition, four different advisory committees composed of a variety of stakeholders have been charged with providing the board with diverse perspectives on key initiatives and operations, providing opinions and recommendations.
Compensation and Benefits
Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
Hiring and Promotion; Discipline and Termination
Adoption of Annual Budget and Plan of Operations
Essential Health Benefits Plan Procedure
Navigator Grant Program Policy
Small Employers Health Options Program (SHOP) Policy
Policy Establishing Requirements for Certification, Recertification and Decertification of QHPs
Policy: Acquiring Operating Funding
Procedure: Exchange Assessments and Fees
Tribal Consulting Policy
Policies and Procedures: All Payer Claims Database
Procedure: Employers Appeals Process – on fewer that 30 days notice
Procedure: Employers Appeals Process
Compliance and Disciplinary Policy for Certified Independent Brokers
APCD Privacy Policy and Procedure
Verification of Consumer’s Eligibility for Special Enrollments
Policy and Procedure: Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities
Procedure: Pre-Enrollment Verification of Consumers’ Eligibility for Special Enrollments
Policy for Procurement: Acquisition of Real and Personal Property